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Cool concept

I don't understand how exactly to pick up more seeds. I walk over the garden over and over but I never seem to pick up anything.

If a garden has a seed available, there will be a big white exclamation point over that garden. If there's no exclamation point, you will need to wait a while until a new seed spawns.

I see. Thank you.

how do i tell when the suspicion ends

suspicious cops have a red exclamation point above their heads. it'll go away after awhile

 i love it :)

I really enjoyed it! :)

This is great!

Solarpunk is great. Love this game, thanks for making it. (Not so sure about the soviet music at the end though.)


Thank you so much! The music was meant as a bit of a joke, although it does also reference the anticapitalist politics of solarpunk and the game. When I made it I wasn't even sure anyone would play until the end! Really happy you enjoyed it enough to do so! :)